Investing- Yet Another Opinion: WSJ: "So What Exactly Caused The Financial Crisis"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WSJ: "So What Exactly Caused The Financial Crisis"

February 23,2010 "So What Exactly Caused The Financial Crisis" By David Wessel

Interesting Article in the Wall Street Journal 

The article implies that this crisis is apart of a natural cycle adding a calming effect to what has happened to our economy and what will happen in the near future. I am still not convinced that we should be calm. This sort of crisis happened in the 1930's and was only saved by a "freak occurrence"(WWII).

I see either mass deflation ahead of us or, if the government is lucky enough, another "freak occurrence".
...Im not sure either scenarios will be very pleasant.

Some Key Points:

** “It’s wrong to blame this crisis on subprime mortgage lending, he says. Rather, this crisis is best seen as the latest of a series of banking crises throughout history.”
** “Repo is money… But, like other privately created bank money, it is vulnerable to a shock, which may cause depositors to rationally withdraw en masse, an event which the banking system — in this case the shadow banking system — cannot withstand alone.” 
** “The fundamentals of subprime [mortgages] were not bad enough by themselves to have created trillions in losses globally.”
** “The crisis was not a one-time, unique, event. The problem is structural.”
** “There have been banking panics throughout U.S. history, with private bank notes, with demand deposits, and now with repo. The economy needs banks and banking. But bank liabilities have a vulnerability.”



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